Nutritional Advice

Feeding Your Sterilised Dog Properly

How do you feed your sterilised dog properly?

Sterilisation of a Dog: Watch Out for Weight Gain

Sterilisation gives rise to a large number of hormonal changes which increase the risk of weight gain. The risk of being overweight in a sterilised dog is twice as high compared to an unsterilised dog. Indeed, following sterilisation, energy needs reduce by about 30% and appetite is increased by an average of 60%. If you do not give the dog food suitable for its new needs, your dog can put on an additional 10% in weight in the three weeks after sterilisation. But don't worry: weight gain after sterilisation is not a foregone conclusion! To avoid this, it is necessary to adjust its food.

The New Food Needs of Your Sterilised Dog

To adjust to your sterilised dog's new needs, its new food must be lower in energy and the calorie content of the new food must come first and foremost from proteins. Protein is essential to help maintain muscle mass instead of fat mass. They also promote satiety, in combination with food fibre, which is particularly important after sterilisation, when your dog's appetite is increasing. Conversely, starch and sugars must be limited because they represent a source of energy which is less useful for dogs and can be stored as fat if they are present in quantities which are too high.


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VETERINAY HPM® Neutered: Specially Designed for your Sterilised Dog

Veterinary HPM® Neutered foods have been designed to avoid weight gain following sterilisation, while avoiding your dog becoming hungry. Thanks to a 20% lower energy formulation, which is just as rich in protein compared to our dog foods for non-sterilised dogs, calorific intake is reduced while covering protein needs, fostering your dog's satiety. 

Veterinary HPM® Neutered foods incorporate L-Carnitine, which enables limiting fat storage: everything you need to avoid your dog putting on weight after sterilisation. Foods are available in several pack sizes suitable for your dog's size and age. 

 * Ref. : 1. I. Jeusette, et al. Effect of ovariectomy and ad libitum feeding on body composition, thyroid status, ghreling and leptin plasma concentrations in female dogs. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition 90 (2006)

Carbohydrate Calculator

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