Nutritional advice

How to feed cats with urinary disorders ?

Urinary disorders

Urinary issues can be a major concern for your cat

Urinary issues are a serious matter that create major discomfort for cats and can even become a vital emergency. Once diagnosed, in 1 out of 2 cases, the trouble will reappear in the year.

Cystitis and stones are the most common urinary issues

  • Crystals or stones in the bladder or urethra (struvites or calcium oxalates).
  • Inflammation of the bladder also called feline idiopathic cystitis.

Several causes can result in urinary issues in cats

  • Insufficient water intake : cats by nature drink very little which leads to a very concentrated urine.
  • Stress and overweight, sedentarity and neutering are common risk factors. The risk is 2,5 to 7 times higher in neutered cats.
  • Inappropriate or low quality food with excessive or unbalanced amounts of minerals.

A good nutrition can make all the difference for his urinary health

Nutrition plays a major role in the management of urinary issues.

If urinary issues are diagnosed in your cat, your veterinarian can recommend a specific diet in order to dissolve the crystals or stones, prevent the formation of new ones and manage inflammation of the bladder.

This diet should include a high amount of animal protein, which will allow to stabilise urine pH and promote water intake. It should also be formulated to avoid weight gain.

VETERINARY HPM® UROLOGY CAT RANGE : specifically designed to manage urinary issues on cats.

VETERINARY HPM® Urology range includes 4 diets designed to dissolve struvite crystals, prevent the formation of new crystals and stones, and manage inflammation in feline cystitis.


Urology 1
Struvite & Dissolution


Urology 2
Dissolution & Prevention


Urology 3

Bag_WET VET HPM Cat Urology Dissolution Prevention 85G_face.png


9% Vegetable ingredients - no gluten - no grain
87% Pork, poultry, salmon ingredients


Because water intake is a key element for cat's urinary health, VETERINARY HPM® Urology is now available in a new wet format. Our chunks in gravy are made of high quality ingredients.

  • Specifically formulated to dissolve struvite crystals and prevent the formation of new ones
  • Provides high hydration
  • Promotes urinary health
  • Improves satiety effect
  • Very low carbohydrate, high protein recipe respecting the needs of cats as carnivores
    • Our diet contains high amounts of animal proteins. They are essential to your cat’s health as they naturally maintain a good urine pH and encourage your cat to drink more.
    • We incorporate minimal quantities of vegetable ingredients. Our formula contains low levels of carbohydrates, which limits the risks of weight gain and fat deposit.

More information (about VETERINARY HPM® Urology, chunks in gravy)

Your veterinarian will recommend the VETERINARY HPM® Urology program that is more adapted to your cat's situation.

How to feed my cat with VETERINARY HPM® Urology Cat?


VETERINARY HPM® Urology diets are complete diets. Our kibbles and chunks in gravy can be used alone or combined. Your cat's needs will be perfectly covered and he will enjoy his meal. You can also feed you cat exclusively with VETERINARY HPM chunks in gravy. This can be recommended for cats with urinary disease.

Ask your veterinarian about the optimal combination for your cat

What else can I do to support my cat's urinary health?

Cats are very sensitive to their environment. In complement of a nutrition adapted to your cat, there are several things you can do at home to support your cat’s urinary heath. Lien vers la page dédiée (pargraphe ci-dessous)


Fresh water in adapted bowls

  • Provide your cat with regularly renewed fresh water
  • Use a porcelain bowl or a fountain. Avoid plastic bowls which give a bad odour to the water
  • Provide your cat with several sources of water in your house

Take care of the litter box

  • Change regulary the litter box and if possible make several litters available
  • Recommended number of litters = number of cats living at home +1
  • Keep the litter box in a quiet place

Avoid stress and boredom

  • Make sure your cat has hiding places and a private place to themself
  • Arrange places where your cat can hide and others where they can perch
  • Enrich their environment with toys, games, cat trees that stimulate them

Take care of bodyweight

  • Weigh your cat once a month
  • Respect the feeding quantities indicated on the bag, or recommended by your veterinarian
  • Limit treats and snacks

Answer 5 questions about your pet and we propose our VETERINARY HPM ® diet that matches him the best !

Buy our diet

Because correct nutrition is first of all a matter of health, VETERINARY HPM ® is available from veterinary practices (or the Virbac Web Store). Our stockist locator helps you to find in one click your nearest Veterinary practice stockist which either proposes our nutrition or to buy online.