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Mighty Mites & Lice

House Dust Mites

House dust mites are one of the main triggers involved in some allergic skin diseases in pets and are also implicated in asthma in humans. They are barely visible to the naked eye and live off skin flakes shed into the environment, so thrive in our homes.


There can be as many as 500 mites per gram of dust. Certain household flea sprays (such as Indorex) also protect against house dust mites: an annual application of these sprays can protect your home.


Remember also that dead dust mites can still trigger allergic skin disease, so always use a high-filtration vacuum cleaner to eliminate dead house dust mite bodies from your home.


Ear Mites

Ear mites are eight-legged parasites that can cause itching and persistent irritation. Young animals are particularly at risk because these mites are contagious and pass easily between animals in close contact. The mites live on the surface of the skin within the ear canal, sometimes with no outward sign but often causing scratching and inflammation of the ears.

sarcoptes-1.jpgSarcoptes Mites

Sarcoptes mites live on their hosts permanently and cause a condition known as scabies or fox mange. They cause severe irritation most commonly in the skin of the ears and on the abdomen and groin. Scabies can also be zoonotic meaning that it can be transmitted from animals to humans.





demodex-canis.jpgBiting Lice

Biting lice are uncommon but are very specific in their choice of hosts for example a louse affecting a dog will not infect a cat and vice versa. In large numbers they can cause itchy skin and allow the skin to be vulnerable to other problems. Very young or old animals or those with a compromised immune system are most at risk from lice.





Don’t let parasites be a problem for you and your pet!

Protect your pet with a year-round parasite programme and don’t forget to include a household flea spray!

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