Eye Care

Physiological eye cleanser

Physiological eye cleanser gently cleanses the eyes and prevents the onset of more serious eye problems.

  • Cat
  • Dog

Physiological eye cleanser is an isotonic lotion with soothing properties. It cleans your pet's eye and eyelids and eliminates foreign bodies such as plant debris, dust, sand.

Gently cleanses Physiological pH 7.4, identical to the pH of tears in dogs and cats.


Salicylic acid, boric acid and its sodium salt, witch hazel water and blueberry water


Perimeter cleaning: The eye area is cleaned with a compress or a clean cloth soaked in lotion, from the inside out.

Eye cleaning: run the lotion abundantly over the eye, gently squeezing the body of the bottle. Collect dirt and excess fluid on a pad. Repeat the operation several times, if necessary.